
TERRATEST® App from now on in Google® Playstore

Our Light Weight Deflectometer TERRATEST5000 BLU is worldwide the first instrument in its class to be controlled via tablet or smartphone. For that purpose, TERRATEST® has developed an app from now on available in Google® playstore. This app proves to be useful also when used with the TERRATEST® 4000 STREAM model, as it enables measuring results directly to be transferred from the measuring electronics ROBUSTA to a smartphone. This feature considerably speeds up order handling, as the results still on the construction site can be processed, and logs in form of a .pdf file can be sent to the office or to the customer without delay. Analysis of a dynamical load plate test by means of a light falling weight this way is performed in no time. The quality of the logs transmitted by app exactly corresponds to the documentation prepared by means of the TERRATEST® 2.0 software, and offer even the additional benefit of automatically integrating photos of the measuring position captured on site within the file. “We are very proud of being able to offer this comfortable control method for our falling weight deflectometers to the clientele”, declares Frank Georg Schulz, CEO of TERRAEST® GmbH Berlin. The possibility of using this app also for our new cable instrument TERRATEST® 4000 STRAM demonstrates our innovative power and the continuous progress of our product portfolio.” App versions loaded from the Google® playstore automatically create an update message, so that the user is instantaneously informed about the new version available - so he can profit from the new functions, which permanently extend the scope of the instrument corresponding to the current state of further development.


New Delivery to Kuwait

In the beginning of February, two Light Weight Deflectometers of the 4000 Voice Series were delivered to the South Al Mutlaa site in Kuwait. They are intended to be used for dynamical load plate tests, to be executed in the course of development work taking place under the responsibility of the Turkish Kolin group. “For our purchase decision, the essential criterion was the dust-tight ROBUSTA box housing the electronics”, explains project coordinator Mr. Mustafa Hakan. “When working in desert, safe protection of internal components is imperative, that’s easy to understand. I have been using TERRATEST® equipment in Turkey already for a long time, and it turned out to be absolutely reliable.” South Al Mutlaa currently represents the largest construction site in Kuwait and will be the core of a new Mega City with 30,000 houses, comprising a project volume of 1 billion US$.