Some wired devices could get in the way of proper and quick testing in certain construction sites. In this case, a wireless light weight deflectometer proves to be more practical. Eurovia relies on TERRATEST's Bluetooth-enabled LWD because it can perform and complete dynamic load plate tests in about two minutes without a loading vehicle and a laboratory. The good thing ab
Eurovia Vinci recommends checking the natural soil using a light weight deflectometer before beginning construction. This way, you can avoid problems associated with poor soil compaction and bearing capacity and perform the necessary measures to improve the soil quality. You can use the light weight deflectometer 5000 BLU by TERRATEST throughout the construction site, especially in hard to reach places like backfills and ditches.
Eurovia Vinci is able to optimize its compaction works and help its clients save money daily with a Bluetooth light weight deflectometer. The intelligent device comes with voice navigation and an app for the ultimate wireless operation. Measurements are transferred via Bluetooth to the measuring computer, tablet, or smartphone from the load plate. This can be beneficial to protect the integrity of measuring computers, which may malfunction when placed directly to mechanics or exposed to vibrations and extreme conditions in construction sites.